The B.E.2 was one of the early success stories of British aviation. Eventually, over 3500 were built and they served in countries as far flung as South Africa, Australia and Estonia. Read more…
Etrich Taube
The Etrich Taube was one of the most distinctive pre-war German fighters. It was the first mass produced aircraft in Germany and was used by not only the Germans, but the Austro-Hungarians and the Italians. Read more…
Bleriot X1
A Bleriot X1 was the first aircraft to fly over the English Channel. For a thousand years the Royal Navy had protected England and in an afternoon, Britain was no longer an island. Read more…
Ilya Murometz
The Murometz was the world’s first 4-engine bomber. It was also (in some configurations) the world’s first aircraft with a toilet. So, if ever an aircraft were made for ‘bombs away’ this was it. Read more…
Airco DH-2
You’ve got to hand it to Geoffrey de Havilland. Faced with the tricky issue of wanting to have a machine gun at the front of his new fighter he wisely realised that positioning a machine gun there would cause the propeller to be blown to smithereens. Read more…